Tuesday 22 April 2008

Stekt Strömming

Whilst we are still on Swedish food, I thought I should share with you another great Swedish meal and my absolute favourite - stekt strömming and potatismos. In English: fried herring with mashed potatoes.
It is one of the most amazing thing for me that Swedes are not obese with the amount of fat they eat. It just goes to show that it is not the eating of fat that makes you fat but what kinds of fat you eat and what you do the rest of the time that you are not eating.
Stekt strömming is pretty simple to make; you fillet the fish, season with sea salt and white pepper, coat with rye flour and fry in butter until golden brown. This meal is not recommended for a low fat diet because the potatismos is also made with lots of butter and a little bit of cream. It is the best mashed potatoes you will ever have. When I first discovered stekt strömming, I ate it every day for two weeks. I only stopped because I was warned that that there are government guidelines against eating baltic herrings everyday. Apparently, it is something to do with the heavy metals in the Baltic Sea.

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